Friday, November 19, 2010

Life's Not Fair.

Isn't that the truth?

In about a week, I'll probably make a list of the things that I'm thankful for in this world, and its generally a pretty epic list. But sometimes, really sucky things happen and I hear my mom/grandma's voice in my head reminding me that life certainly isn't fair.

For example. I was an outstanding student in high school and went to a really amazing college.  It was a private, Catholic school and I loved every minute of it (especially the minutes I spend on Waikiki beach, in Cairo, and meeting Ev).  I got an honors degree in International Studies, and did this ridiculous senior thesis project on Turkey's relationship with the West, and how it would change the security landscape over the next decade or so (ok, isn't that even a little impressive?). I had very lofty goals of getting into intel work, or working with the Dept. of Defense.

But no.  I applied for DoD jobs for two months before graduation and two months after, until I finally gave in and began working the front desk at a hotel. After three months of that, I became lucky enough to land a receptionist job for a construction company.  After three months of that, I was laid off and found a job with a fashion company, creating a line of clothing for little girls.  Seven months later, I was also laid off from that job. Wtf, right?  I have a great degree from an amazing school, and here I sit, blogging in my beautiful living room.  

I know.  I know!  The economy, blah blah blah, my peers, blah blah blah. And its true, really. My graduating class inherited the absolute worst time to find a job. I know. And, lets face it...the education majors I graduated with only partially found full time jobs, and everyone else either went to grad school, or work in coffee shops. How much does that suck?  I'll give you a hint- alot. It seems like I apply for jobs day in and day out, and even Macy's won't take me. Seriously, how can I not be qualified to serve food? I can't find a real job because I have no experience (ok, who graduates with a political science degree with some kind of experience? No one.) and I can't get a lame minimum wage job because they know that the moment I am offered another position I'll leave (so true, though. hey, I have $50,000 in loans to pay back!).  What the hell?!  I've worked really, really hard to get to this point! 


It's not fair! I didn't do anything to deserve this economy!

Life's not fair, Erin.

Sorry for my rant, but sometimes...this really, really sucks.

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