Monday, November 15, 2010

No running, but have some chili!

Right- so technically I did not run at all this weekend.  On Saturday I justified it by going to church which, like running, is something I always intend to do but usually don't get around to. And Sunday is the one day that Ev is off, so we went to the pet store and watched football and graded papers and snuggled in our island of a bed all day.  Which, I think, is exactly what you're supposed to do on Sundays, right? 

Anyway, to redeem myself...I made dinner, and it was such a perfect Sunday afternoon football dinner- chicken chili.  Lately, I've been switching between white and red chicken chilis, and I think I like the red one better, just because I can sneak in a few more vegetables and pretend its healthy.  Of course, the white chili has all those beans and fiber, so also healthy, but thats another recipe for another day.  Lets get on with the Red Chicken Chili, shall we?

1 1/2 to 2 cups shredded chicken (2 breast halves)
8 roma tomatoes
2 bell peppers (I like red and orange, but whatever you like)
1 small to medium onion
2 cups chicken stock
1 4 oz can chopped green chiles
1 4 oz can chopped jalapenos (ONLY USE HALF!!)
1/4 cup chili powder
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp salt
1 bottle beer...whatever you have. I've used everything from bud light to christmas ale :)
1 can kidney beans...or black beans, or whatever

* Hi.  You can use any form of chicken you like- I prefer mine shredded, because I like the texture better than when its in larger cubes.  To shred it, I throw the cleaned and salted pieces of chicken under the broiler for five minutes, then flip them and roast five minutes more.  Remove from oven and shred with two forks. So easy!

Ok, start by cutting your tomatoes in half, lengthwise. Half and seed your peppers, and half the onion. Place all the veg, cut side down, in a 9 x 13 baking dish and drizzle with olive oil and season with salt.  Broil until the tomatoes split and the peppers begin to brown, usually between 15 and 20 minutes.  Remove from the oven and transfer the peppers to a cutting board and give them a rough chop; toss the tomatoes, onion, and collected juices in the blender with chicken stock and pulse until its still a little chunky. 

In a deep sided pan, saute the chile peppers and jalapenos for a minute in some olive oil; add the spices and cook a minute more. Pour the blended tomato mixture in the pan, and the chopped peppers and shredded chicken.  Add a bottle of beer and the drained and rinsed beans. Cook everything on medium low heat for at least fifteen to twenty minutes.  Serve topped with shredded cheddar cheese and some kind of carbohydrate.  Normal people eat cornbread, but I'm not a fan so I use homemade fries (what, I'm irish!) or fritos. Yeah...fritos.  Its good :)

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